Moving out

If you do decide to end your tenancy with Rooftop there are some things that you’ll need to do to make sure that the process moves smoothly for everyone.

Ensuring a smooth process

Following our guide to moving out will help get you ready to move on, and to get the property ready to go to another Rooftop Tenant, so that their experience of having a new home can begin with the excitement that you felt.

If at any time you need help completing the steps for moving out, or you’d like more information about the process then get in touch with your Neighbourhood Housing Officer.

Helping you move to a smaller property

Because the demand for family accommodation is so great, and to assist us make best use of our properties, where a customer is wishing to move because their home is too big for their needs, we will work with that customer to provide incentives to move to a smaller property. This may particularly assist customers negatively impacted by the bedroom subsidy who cannot afford to remain in existing accommodation.

If eligible, we may assist with moving costs, purchasing of items to help set up their new home, or the clearing of small rent arrears from accounts to become eligible to move.

Incentives vary depending on needs, there is an eligibility criteria, and there are certain exclusions to the scheme. If you are interested in finding out more information, please contact your Neighbourhood Housing Officer.

What do you need to do?

When you end your rooftop tenancy you must give us 4-weeks’ notice of ending the tenancy. Please fill in this form. You need to supply us with a forwarding address.

It’s always a good idea to get in contact with our Income Team to make sure you’ve paid off your rent account, as you shouldn’t be in any arrears before moving out.

Once you’re ready to move out, your home must be clean and tidy, that includes taking out all of your belongings and getting rid of any rubbish. Here is a Leaving Your Home Checklist to make your move easier.

If you want to end a tenancy on behalf of a tenant, please fill in this form.

Clearing up and moving on...

Return all keys and / or entry fobs, including ones to any communal areas, and gas and electricity or cards if you have them. The gas and electricity also need to be in credit when you leave.

If we need to make repairs to the property, or dispose of unwanted property or rubbish, before someone new moves in you will be charged for the costs. You also need to remove any unauthorised home improvements, particularly things like conservatories without planning permission… and yes that does happen.

If you ever have any difficulty with these steps, or you need more information, please contact your Neighbourhood Housing Officer or fill in our simple contact form and we’ll get back to you.​

Leaving with debt

Some people leave Rooftop homes with debt. Whether that is rent debt, or we have had to repair damage to their home when they moved out and we need to charge them for that work (this is called ‘re-charge’). This debt will stop people getting a home with another housing association, or with Rooftop.

This debt needs to be paid, and we are getting in contact with those people so that we can use that money owed to us to fund our services to you.

A great home for the next family

Return all keys and / or entry fobs, including ones to any communal areas, and gas and electricity or cards if you have them. The gas and electricity also need to be in credit when you leave.

And with all of that done you can move on from your home and help another local family find a place to call their own.

If you'd like to find out more about what happens when you move in to a Rooftop Property or you'd like to find out about our shared ownership options the choose one of the links below.

man moving in

Contact us

If you have any questions for our team, and want to know more about what you need to do before moving out of a Rooftop home then please do contact us and we'll be delighted to help.

What Rooftop means to me

"The Neighbourhood Officer was brilliant…I've just moved into this property and the services I've used have been excellent."

N Bodie


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