Governance and board members
Our Board members have a wide range of skills and experience reflecting the size and strength of the business, the services we provide and our customers.
The Board
Housing associations (also called Registered Providers) are governed by their ‘rules’ which define our not-for-profit objectives, shareholding membership and constitute the Board as our governing body. Board members have a wide range of skills and experience reflecting the services we provide, our customers and the size and financial complexity and strength of the business.
We strive for a diverse board membership and currently, the Board of RHG currently has seven members, of which four are female and three are male, with an average age of 50. Two of our members are registered disabled; five identify as white British, one member is Asian British and one member is black Caribbean.
The biographies of the board members are available to view below.
Declarations of Interest for all Board Members and co-optees are held on a Register, which is reported on annually to Board, and is available for public scrutiny on request from the Company Secretary.
The Board’s role is to provide strategic direction, make sure that we are accountable and to support and advise.
Each association has a Board but the members combine their functions through a single governance meeting that is held six times during the year. In addition, the board members attend regular seminars, business planning and formal events. The Boards are committed to high standards of corporate governance and have adopted the National Housing Federation’s Code of Governance and good practice guidance.
Rooftop Housing Group Limited
The Group parent is a non-charitable Registered Society with the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) (29661R). It is also a Registered Provider of social housing with the Regulator of Social Housing (RSH) (L4404). It does not own any homes but provides all operational and corporate services, including treasury management, information technology and employs all human resources for the whole Group.
It was formed on 13 November 2003.
The shareholders of RHG comprise of the members of the parent board.
Board members - Rooftop Housing Group Ltd
Rooftop Housing Association (RHA)
Until 2014, RHA was known as Evesham and Pershore Housing Association (EPHA).
RHA is a Registered Society with the FCA (27786R) and is also a Registered Provider of social housing with the RSH (LH4050).
RHA was initially established as an asset holding non-charitable body in 1994 to take a transfer of 4020 homes from Wychavon District Council in Worcestershire. RHA converted to charitable status in 2003 and provides all of the housing held by the Group. The shareholders of RHA include the parent, RHG and current board members.
Board members - Rooftop Housing Association
Rooftop Homes Limited (RHL)
RHL was formed as a housing association on 13 November 2003. In March 2020, RHL transferred its assets and liabilities to RHA and is now classified as a dormant, non-asset holding company, non-charitable Registered Society (29660R).
Rooftop Management Limited (RML)
RML is registered with Companies House (3569438) and is a dormant company wholly owned by Rooftop Housing Group Limited. It has not traded during the year and is expected to remain dormant for the foreseeable future.
Audit and Risk Committee
The Audit and Risk Committee is responsible for providing the Boards with assurance and assisting them to fulfil their responsibilities, bringing independent scrutiny, challenge and exercising oversight to:
- financial reporting, including the integrity and appropriateness of financial statements
- risk management processes and frameworks
- internal and external audit functions
- compliance, whistleblowing, fraud, anti-bribery, asset and liability registers and stress testing
Membership includes an Independent Member (who does not sit on the Boards) to bring additional external scrutiny and challenge.