Rent a garage

We have a large number of garages for rent, and you don't have to be a Rooftop resident to rent one!

Our Garages

We have over 600 garages throughout Worcestershire and Gloucestershire, available to rent from just £38.94 per month - and you don't have to be a resident to rent one (VAT added for non-Rooftop tenants).

There may be a waiting list for certain areas, so applications are treated in date order. People who rent a home from us will automatically take priority.

If you are interested in renting a garage, please click here to fill in the form.

You'll receive an application confirmation letter, and as soon as a garage becomes available in your chosen area, we'll get in touch.

Garages are let on a monthly basis and you only need to give one month's notice to cancel your agreement. To end your garage tenancy agreement, please click here to fill in the form. To end your garage licence on behalf of a licensee, please click here to fill in the form.

For more information, please contact us at

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