Customer engagement
It’s simple really, if you want to be involved in what we do, at whatever level, then you can!

Customer Voice
We believe that customer voice is central to improving how we deliver services. Our Board has overall responsibility for ensuring we lead and govern the organisation in the best interests of our customers. The Board oversees our strategic approach to customer insight and engagement in partnership with our executive team.
Every year we get more than 3000 opinions from customers through the following ways:
- Residents’ meetings and drop-ins at sheltered Extra Care schemes: Around 2,000 a year
- Monthly surveys: Around 900 a year
- Annual survey of customer priorities and our draft plans: 570 responses in 2024

We also use data provided by customers in the delivery of our services. This includes satisfaction surveys, complaints, service request information and general feedback. This insight helps us to improve day to day services. Our Board and Executive Team work together to reflect customer priorities in our Annual Plan and Corporate Plan. This is informed every year through our annual customer survey, which is an opportunity to tell us what matters most and comment on our draft Annual Plan.
Customer Scrutiny Panel
Our Customer Scrutiny Panel is made up of residents who live in our properties. They undertake reviews of service areas and suggest how issues can be addressed and services improved. They have completed reviews with recommendations on Anti-Social Behaviour and Grounds Maintenance in 2023-24. They are currently reviewing Digital Services and plan to consider other areas including Voids and Lettings this year. The Panel reports to the Audit and Risk Committee, and annually to our Board on their work. Scrutiny Panel members are an important part of our model. We can offer training and personal development to help them fulfil their roles. If you are interested in potentially become a customer scrutiny panel member please get in touch here.

Local Engagement
Our local model of engagement is based on our local neighbourhood structure. Your neighbourhood housing officer co-ordinates feedback and engagement from their patch. You can find a list of Neighbourhood Housing Officers here. We also operate formal and informal scheme level residents’ groups in Extra Care and our older persons housing schemes. Speak to your scheme manager for more information or look out for updates on your scheme notice boards.
You can find out more about how to volunteer in our communities here.

Customer Strategy Group
A new regulatory regime for Consumer Standards came into force on 1 April 2024. In response we reviewed and are now expanding our approach to enabling residents to influence what we do and how we work. We will confirm how a new ‘Customer Strategy Group’ reporting to our Board will work and recruiting customers to this over the summer to start in the autumn. We would love to hear from you if you are interested, please get in touch.
Routes of customer engagement
At Rooftop we aim to put customers at the heart of everything we do, and there are a number of ways that you can get involved with us to help shape our services.
Community Champions are volunteers on our estates or in accommodation blocks. They have the commitment and dedication to assist in improving their neighbourhoods. Our Neighbourhood Housing Officers can’t be everywhere at once, so we rely on Community Champions to work closely with their Neighbourhood Housing Officer and other residents, to help ensure that the neighbourhood or community remains a safe and clean place to live.
Community Champions assist us with reporting issues such as fly-tipping or abandoned vehicles, promoting and taking part in any local community events, and liaising closely with their Neighbourhood Housing Officer.
If you are interested in becoming a Community Champion, please contact your Neighbourhood Housing Officer.

Most of our Housing with Care Schemes and our Retirement Living Schemes have their own resident group.
The groups meet regularly and discuss services to older customers living in our schemes. The groups often meet of our staff, contribute to how their scheme is ran and give views on the activities that they want to see held at their scheme.
If you would like to join a resident group in the scheme where you live, please talk to your Retirement Living Officer.

By forming a local residents' group in your area, you will have the opportunity to address any issues in your community, make a case for changes and improvements to services we provide, and give your community a voice.
Because this is so important to the work Rooftop does you will receive training and money to help you set up a group and get together with other residents in your community to discuss local issues, and in return you’ll be expected to either meet regularly throughout the year, or get together for a short time to tackle a specific local issue.
As you get more involved you may want to look into a Tenant Management Organisation or TMO. We're always happy to talk through options for your community.

Contact us
You can contact us via our online form, email or telephone or by visiting our office in Evesham.
You will be contacted by your Neighbourhood Officer within 5 days or within 1 day if the complaint is of a serious nature
(Always call 999 in an emergency/you suspect a crime has been committed)
What Rooftop means to me
Mr Thring
Family Member