Mutual exchange
Mutual exchange is an alternative for residents who don't have a high enough priority or banding to be able to access a home through the normal allocation process.

What is a mutual exchange?
A mutual exchange is a way for social housing residents to find a move by swapping homes with another social housing resident.
People move for many reasons, maybe your current home is too large or too small or perhaps you want a change of scene.
You can swap homes with any council tenant or housing association tenant in the UK providing you both have the right to mutual exchange, and that both parties wish to swap.
Swap locally or to another part of the country
The principle can work between any locations or even all in the same street! You are not restricted to your current landlord as all social housing landlords are required to allow a mutual exchange. The key is to ensure that everyone has looked around the properties involved and is happy to move.
Prior to making an application, we advise customers to check the criteria of the property to ensure they’re eligible to exchange. Should your property or the prospective persons you wish to exchange with be subject to an S106, there may be a local connection requirement to the area. For more information on whether your property is subject to an S106, please speak to your respective Local Authority.
Swaps can involve more than one property
You can either home swap with one tenant, known as a direct exchange or you could try and find a multi-way swap. There are no limits to how many people can be involved in a home swap chain, however the more you have in the chain, the more complicated it can get, as there is always the chance that someone in the chain could change their mind.
For more information about mutual exchange, please see the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) here.
Am I eligible?
You can only swap your home if:
- you aren’t in debt with your rent
- the other person’s landlord is happy for the exchange to happen.
- you aren’t moving to a property where you will be overcrowded or have more space than you need.
- you get our permission in writing and there is no ongoing legal action relating to your tenancy
There may be other conditions, depending on your type of tenancy. If you are unsure whether you are eligible please contact us to see if you are able to exchange.

How do I find someone to swap with?
There are many avenues available to those looking to swap with a social or council housing tenant.
We encourage our customers to utilise sites such as HomeSwapper and Facebook. Both offer a free service if you are a Rooftop tenant. To register for HomeSwapper, simply follow the instructions on their website and sign up to their services.
To utilise Facebook for the purpose of seeking a swapping party, search in Mutual Exchange in “Groups” and browse the selection of groups set up to assist those seeking an exchange. Whilst Rooftop have no influence on who enters the groups and its members, we encourage the benefits of a social media platform that brings people together who share a common interest.
What happens when I find someone to swap with?
Once you have someone to swap with you will need to complete an application form. Please click the relevant form depending on how many parties are involved in the exchange to print at home. If you are unable to print, then please contact us .
Mutual Exchange Application Form
Once the application is received, your Neighbourhood Housing Officer will begin the process and determine whether you meet the correct criteria to exchange with a swapping party. Should you not meet the correct criteria, we will confirm our reasoning in writing to you.
Once you have made an application, we will have 42 days to accept or deny your request. All required information must be submitted to Rooftop within the 42 day period.

Contact us
For more information on mutual exchange please contact your Neighbourhood Housing Officer.
What Rooftop means to me
N Bodie