Make a complaint

It is important to us that you are happy with the service we provide, but sometimes things do go wrong. When this happens, we want to ensure we put things right promptly and that we learn from your experiences.

Learn from your complaint

Your feedback is important to us and helps us improve what we do. Our Complaints Policy sets out how we deal with and learn from complaints and the standard you can expect when you make a complaint.

Our approach is based on the Housing Ombudsman’s dispute resolution principles:

  • Be fair
  • Put things right
  • Learn from the outcomes

You can complain in the following ways

  • In person to Rooftop Housing Group staff
  • By a third party or representative (e.g. family, friends, Local Authority
    Councillor, MP, Board Member, Mayor’s office)

Rooftop complaints process

We want to make it as easy as possible for you to make a complaint. Here’s a summary of the different stages of our complaint process.

Stage 1 - Complaint

Acknowledge your complaint within 5 working days*.

Your concern will be investigated by the Complaints Team and a full response issued within 10 working days of the complaint being acknowledged.

We will give you an honest response which will include an explanation, and an apology and resolution, where needed.

*working days are Monday to Friday, excluding Bank Holidays. Any staff member can raise a complaint for you. Alternatively, you can email us

Stage 2 - Final Response

If you’re not happy with the outcome at Stage 1 you can ask for your complaint to be considered at Stage 2. 

Let us know about this within 30 workings days of receiving your Stage 1 response.

We’ll acknowledge your request within 5 working days.

The relevant Head of Service will review your complaint and respond within 20 working days of the Stage 2 acknowledgement.

Housing Ombudsman

The role of the Housing Ombudsman is to resolve complaints between landlords and residents. This includes investigating the complaint independently to decide if the landlord or managing agent has acted appropriately, along with making decisions around compensation or other remedies if needed. The Housing Ombudsman support effective landlord and resident dispute resolution. Customers can contact the Housing Ombudsman regarding enquiries and advice at any point before or during the complaint process.

How to contact the Housing Ombudsman Service

We will then work with the Ombudsman to address your complaint.

The Housing Ombudsman Complaint Handling Code

We adhere to the Housing Ombudsman’s Complaint Handling Code. This enables us to meet your rights as our resident.

Rooftop's approach to complaints:

  • We have adopted the Housing Ombudsman’s definition of a complaint. A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction, however made, about the standard of service, actions, or lack of action by Rooftop, its own colleagues, or those acting on its behalf, affecting an individual or group.
  • If we need to extend the timescale for our complaint response,  we will contact you to explain why. Any extension will be no more than 10 working days at stage 1, or 20 working days at stage 2.
  • You or an advocate can complain to us in person, over the telephone, by email, by letter, or via our website.
  • Each complaint is considered on an individual basis. There are some circumstances where we wouldn’t consider something a complaint. This can be where we have already considered an issue through our complaints process, where the complaint relates to reporting anti-social behaviour, or relates to something over which we have no control.
  • If a complaint is not accepted, we will provide an explanation setting out why.
  • Where we do accept a complaint, we will contact you as early as possible at each stage to understand the outcome that you are seeking to enable your involvement and to facilitate a swift resolution.
  • In both of our complaint stages we will confirm the complaint stage, complaint definition, decision on the complaint, the reasons for our decision, details of any remedy offered, details of any outstanding actions, and how to escalate the complaint if you remain dissatisfied.
  • If our complaint process is exhausted and you remain unhappy, then you have the right to escalate your complaint to the Housing Ombudsman Service.

Read more

To read more about making a complaint, you can download the Complaints Policy and Complaints Guide here.

What Rooftop means to me

"I was going through a challenging time in my life and Rooftop provided me with the help I needed. There is always someone at the end of the phone, and I feel fully supported and cared for. This truly means a lot to me and my family."

M Wheeler

Family Member

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