Moving out
If you do decide to end your tenancy with Rooftop there are some things that you’ll need to do to make sure that the process moves smoothly for everyone.

Ensuring a smooth process
Following our guide to moving out will help get you ready to move on, and to get the property ready to go to another Rooftop Tenant, so that their experience of having a new home can begin with the excitement that you felt.
If at any time you need help completing the steps for moving out, or you’d like more information about the process then get in touch with our Lettings Team
What do you need to do?
You must give us written notice to end your tenancy
You can give us notice by completing our Ending Your Tenancy
If you're having any issues with the form please email
Your tenancy agreement will say how much notice you need to give. It will be either four weeks ending on a Sunday or one calendar month.
Before you move on we need to remind you about a few things you need to do to make sure the house is left clear and in a good condition. For more information please view our Moving Out Checklist

Ending a tenancy on another's behalf
In the unfortunate event that you need to end a tenancy because one of our customers has died, gone into care, or any other reason, there is a legal process we have to follow.
We understand this can be an incredibly difficult time, but please let us know as soon as possible by filling out our Ending a tenancy on behalf of a tenant.
If you're having any issues with the form please email
If you need advice you can also call us on 01386 420800 option 3 and we will do whatever we can to support you.
We can only accept notice if you are the next of kin or are legally acting on behalf of the tenant - for example if you are the executor of their will, have been appointed an administrator by the Probate Office or have power of attorney. You can find out more about this and what you need to do on the website.
We will ask you to provide confirmation that you have the legal right to end the tenancy. If there is no executor or administrator, we have to serve notice on the Public Trustee to end the tenancy.
Leaving with debt
Some people leave Rooftop homes with debt. Whether that is rent debt, or we have had to repair damage to their home when they moved out and we need to charge them for that work (this is called ‘re-charge’). This debt will stop people getting a home with another housing association, or with Rooftop.
This debt needs to be paid, and we are getting in contact with those people so that we can use that money owed to us to fund our services to you.
If you'd like to find out more about what happens when you move in to a Rooftop Property or you'd like to find out about our shared ownership options the choose one of the links below.

Contact us
If you have any questions for our team, and want to know more about what you need to do before moving out of a Rooftop home then please do contact us and we'll be delighted to help.
What Rooftop means to me
N Bodie